The Male Gaze In Porn (With Commentary By Doge)

Note: This video is NSFW because it is discussing and critiquing adult material, using censored examples (and ridiculous noises).

NOTE 2025: In 2014 when this video was made, Doge was fun. Now it’s a symbol of facism. I do not endorse Elon Musk, Trump or any of that fascist bullshit. If you do, fuck you.

An illustration of how straight porn often caters to an assumed male audience. With commentary by Doge and bonus sound effects.

The 8 ways porn reproduces the male gaze:
1. The headless dick – the man is cut out of the frame
2. It’s all about her body
3. Always male POV
4. Oral = blowjob
5. Male orgasm is the goal
6. Tits sell = mainly women on boxcovers
7. Your cock: language speaks to an assumed male viewer
8. Male fantasy gets priority

There are other examples of the male gaze but 8 is enough for one silly video.

The predominance of the male gaze in porn is one of the reasons many women don’t like it.
It’s also why people seek out “porn for women” – porn that DOESN’T include these things. “Porn for women” doesn’t have to mean porn for all women. It just means porn that doesn’t exclude women as an audience. It’s not a perfect label but until porn has a more diverse array of perspectives and filming methods, it will keep popping up.

A PSA from Ms. Naughty and


Note: This video used to be hosted on Vimeo however they recently decided that my videos were too focused on “sexual stimulation”. This film aims to critique rather than arouse but I suspect such subtleties will be lost on the Vimeo reviewers. I’ve now censored and cut the Vimeo version into something rather awful and put the original up on Daily Motion hosted it myself (Daily Motion deleted it without warning). Here’s the censored Vimeo version (EDIT. NOPE, VIMEO DELETED THAT TOO)