Cinekink New York is an erotic film festival that has been going for eleven years and tonight the audience choice and judges awards were announced. I was absolutely thrilled to hear that Dear Jiz has been jointly awarded Best Experimental Short at this year’s festival (the other winner is Trains by Paul Deeb).
The biggest thanks for this film go to Jiz Lee, first and foremost, for their amazing performance, their willingness to take a risk and their general open-hearted goodness. Not to mention sexiness. To quote from the film, they’re kind of my superhero.
I would also like to thank Jiz Lee’s fans, whose letters and emails make up the script of the film. And of course my lovely spouse Luke for his work behind the camera. His first response was: “It was the iPhone in the ziploc bag that did it.”
Thank you to Lisa and Cinekink for screening my films over the past few years. It’s so great to have a space for sex-positive filmmakers to screen their work.
You can find Dear Jiz at Bright Desire. There’s also a shorter version of it available as video on demand at Pink Label TV.