What is “porn for women”?
In its most simplistic sense, the term means sexually explicit content made for a female audience.
Beyond that, however, the phrase can mean different things to different people. Some assume it means soft focus, romantic erotica, designed not to offend. Some joke that it means romance novels and there’s even a book that suggests porn for women involves pictures of men doing housework.
For Indigo Lush, “porn for women” is not about specific sex acts or making generalisations about “what women want.” We know that women (like men) have vastly differing tastes and can also having differing moods as to what is sexy or arousing.
For us, porn for women is about acknowledging the female audience. It’s about creating content that depicts female fantasies and gives priority to female pleasure. It’s also about the female gaze – explicitly assuming the viewer is female rather than male.
We don’t claim to cater to all women and do not try to do so. Indigo Lush simply articulates one facet of female sexuality among many, adding our voice to a growing group of artists who are seeking to restructure the landscape of porn.
“Porn for women” may be a nonsense term but in this sense it’s a useful marker for the type of films Indigo Lush is seeking to create. Feminist, female-focused, respectful, positive, from a woman’s point of view.